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Enriched Chinese Programme

Our Chinese Programme exposes children to different elements of the Chinese Culture and Language, and encourages children to develop interest for Mandarin through songs, stories, rhymes and lots of play in the various Chinese Cultural activities. The children are immersed in a rich Chinese environment. Consistency and practice are key components when it comes to learning a language. Through various drama activities and song and dance, our students will be able to practice and apply what they have learnt, making them confident speakers in mandarin. 

old tangpoembanner.jpg唐诗 Tang Poems

CCA1.png中华文化鉴赏 Chinese Culture Appreciation Programme 

水墨画 Chinese Ink Painting 

书法 Chinese Calligraphy 

华语演绎 Chinese Speech & Drama – K1, K2

成语 Chinese Idioms – K2

汉语拼音 Hanyu Pinyin – K2
